Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Time Travel

Spontaneous Problem: Name three syllable words.
Boundary Breaker:  Students were given some quick thinking math problems and then asked to think of a number between 5-12.  For the Boundary Breaker, students had to give their reasoning for why they thought most people pick 7.

Look at these beauties!

For math, second graders built off last week and tackled the place value game, Some Sum by trying to use digits 0-9 to create a number closest to the round's target number.  They used their mathematical language to share their thought process and strategy.

For the bulk of our day, students were called on to help me with a slight dilemma where they used their learning to come through with flying colors!  Our ancient civilization time travel mystery served as a culminating event for this unit and we look forward to starting on exploring through problem solving when we are back together after the break!

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